Tandem / Shaml


Tandem / Shaml : "Art as critical force, contemporary art from Tunisia" Mai 2013شَمْل [Livre] /par BAC Art Center, Tunisia IKSTD, Turkey . - Tunisie :2013
. - n.p. : Couv. en Coul. ; 23.5 x 16.5 -Notes :Tandem Shaml supports experimental and lasting collaborations between change makers from the Arab region and Europe. For one year cultural actors work in tandems and as a group: being part of a larger network and sharing good practice. Joint projects confront global challenges like migration and support local community development by linking local people, places, art forms and ideas.
32 bis, rue Ben Ghedhahem 1000 Tunis - Tunisie www.32bis.org
Contact : mediatheque@32bis.org